Big Shout Out To Julien Gordon for creating this dope ass post. He takes well known Jay-Z quotes and gives the insight and true meaning behind them. Well worth the read.
"...How you get so fly? From not being afraid to fall out the sky..."
from Beach Chair, Kingdom Come
Insight: The only way to overcome fear is to face it.
"...I'm not a businessman. I'm a business...maaaannn..."
from Diamonds Are Forever Remix
Insight: Like businesses, individuals need visions, strategies, partnerships, positioning, constant evaluation and accountability, etc. See The C.E.O. of You.
"...Remind yourself. Nobody built like you, you design yourself..."
from A Dream, Blueprint 2
Insight: We are fully responsible for our being. We are co-creators (with God) of our lives and can be whoever we choose to be.
"...I'm not afraid of dying. I'm afraid of not trying..."
from Beach Chair, Kingdom Come
Insight: Failure is underrated. To not try is worse than failing.
"...I'm far from God, but I work god damn hard..."
from Breath Easy, The Blueprint
Insight: To create like the Creator takes hard work.
"...I spring train in the winter, around early December..."
from Breath Easy, The Blueprint
Insight: He who practices the most is most prepared to win.
If I don't show the world growth, how are we going to grow?
December 2007 XXL Interview
Insight: Things that stagnate don't last long.
I love that because that's what I'm supposed to be doing - whether it's accepted b everybody or not. I'm supposed to be pushing that envelope and trying new things. And people are supposed to say, "Hov, you might have went too far".
December 2007 XXL Interview
Insight: If people aren't looking at you funny, then you're not pushing the envelope.
I love what I'm doing. I love the artist I'm developing. I love the whole thing about it. Once again, I have to really look at it for the next three years and say, "Am I doing it for the right reasons?" 'Cause all I want to do is make history at this point. They got to pay me to make history of course. But that's my goal. I want to sit there with people really into making history. I mean everybody. I don't mean just artists. The interns -if everybody's not committed to making history every time I go into a meeting, and if I can't look into their eyes and I don't see the fire, then I gotta move on. ' Cause, you know, I don't have time. I don't have the luxury of time to just blow off three years. I do, but I don't. But I'm not looking to have a job. That's not hot!
December 2007 XXL Interview
Insight: It's about making history. Music is just to the tool.
"I'm a person that works off of music. I let the music dictate the direction."
Insight: Let the creative energy guide you. Don't dictate too much.
HipHopDX Interview
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