AllHipHop.com: Looking at the websites and magazines and album liner notes, your presence has definitely increased over the past 12 months. What’s different now compared to back then?
Jake One: You know it probably hasn’t changed that much from a business side. It’s more having this record that I’m the face of has made people more aware of what I’ve been doing. That was part of the reason for doing the record, kind of like a bigger advertisement for what I do. A lot of people don’t read the credits. People don’t even buy the records, so how are they going to see the credits? And then sometimes people will leak a song and give someone else my credit.
AllHipHop.com: I remember you were venting about that Hot Rod track ["Be Easy"] last year that everyone thought was a Dr. Dre beat.
Jake One: [Laughs] Yeah that was one of many where people just drew a name. 50 recently leaked a song of mine called “50 For President” and even though I did it, my name isn’t on it. So that’s just the Internet age, and you kind of have to take that into your own hands and just let people know what you’ve done, or they’re never going to know.
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