Saturday, May 8, 2010

0 Young Scolla Talks Musical Roots, Singing Vs. Rapping, "Potluck" & More

Young Scolla is the latest artist to jump "In The Mix" with The DJ Booth. In a brief interview, he speaks on his musical roots, the pro & cons of rapping and singing, his new mixtape "Potluck" and more. Here is a snippet of the interview:

DJ Booth: As an artist you represent Detroit, but do your roots in Memphis influence your music? How?

Young Scolla: Although I've always been a big fan of Three 6 Mafia, I don't think living in Memphis influenced my music as directly as it influenced my life. That was a short period of time in my life but I lived in the South (Texas as well) for some time before moving to Detroit and just the environment and the people had a lot with molding my early concepts of interaction and how I interpreted things. My music is a direct reflection of my life but a lot of the experiences I draw from come from my Detroit upbringing, so I'd have to say yes and no.

DJ Booth: You can rap, sing and produce records. What are the pros and cons of versatility like that?

Young Scolla: I think being able to be so versatile allows me to be a lot more hands-on in crafting my sound. If there is a specific sound that I'm going for, I can create it instead of having to take the time to convey what I visualize to them. It's also a blessing because when I may not have access to a singer or a producer, I can easily get right to work myself. The downside is that I'm very critical of myself so I might lay down a hook that everyone else will think is hot but I feel should be redone by someone else. Outside of that there aren't too many cons. I'm confident in the kind of artist that I am so I've never had a problem balancing the two in regards to my image or the sound I want to convey.