Wednesday, March 18, 2009

0 Hip Hop Quotes: T.I (On Success and Adversity)

"Success on any level begins with an education. The things that you don't have, will be a reflection of things you don't know. Now the things that you must know: you must know where your going, you must where you've been and most importantly, you must now who you are. If you don't know who you are, there is no way you could possibly know who you are about to become. Now, I understand that in life sometimes we must endure some extreme conditions in order to make it to where GOD had planned for us to go, but that does not mean that it is impossible by any means. Where you are does not define who your are, your environment does not define you, unless you allow it. Now, you can take where you are in life and use it 1 of 2 ways; You can use it as motivation to push yourself forward and never look back OR you could use it as an excuse to stand and do nothing and go nowhere. Choice is yours".

- T.I

Source: T.I's Message to the Nation of Islam Annual Saviors Day! (Via WorldstarHipHop)